Wednesday, February 25, 2015

An Open Letter to the CIA

Propaganda Assets Inventory
International Organisations Division (IOD) 
Congress for Cultural Freedom
Farfield Foundation

An open letter to the CIA. 

It has recently come to my attention that the CIA was in the business of promoting American culture. The Guardian, a British publication with which your organization has had some dealings recently, ran an article that claimed the CIA promoted and funded the American abstract art movement in the 50's and 60's in an effort to prove the American system superior to those Damn Commies' repressive regime. We really showed those Pinkos, didn't we? It is good to know that we, the American People, have you to thank for the fall of the Soviet Empire. Here is the link to the story, in case you missed it on Reddit.

While you may have endured ridicule in some corners for your efforts, I have undertaken to write this letter to applaud the program. In fact, if the program has survived to this day, as Top Secret programs tend to continue in some form or other due to the nature of bureaucracy, I would like to submit myself as a worthy successor to Jackson Pollock, et al. 

I am an accomplished artist in several mediums, as evidenced by my blog, where I have documented my artistic endeavors. Please feel free to peruse the site thoroughly. (Just click the arrow marked "older" at the bottom of the page to see more) In it you will find examples of my charcoal, oil painting, and watercolor work, as well as my more recent musical compositions. If you remain unconvinced, I am confident that a visit to my Soundcloud page will remove any remaining doubts. Here is a link to one of my songs.

I think you will find I am an artistic force to be reckoned with and that I could serve my country well. It is tough going these days for artists and musicians trying to be seen in a sea of social media. I think that the full force and power of the American government could give me the boost I deserve. If I was able to accomplish so much when barely scraping by on menial labor jobs, just think what I could accomplish with your "long leash" patronage. Don't worry though, if you want to keep your support of my work hush hush for National Security Reasons, your secret is safe with me. 

I look forward to hearing back from you, and beginning my patriotic service to my country. (We can talk numbers later.)

Kelly Aaron Taylor 
Artist at Large 

PS. I have kept this letter on my phone for several days, expecting the NSA to intercept it and bring it to your attention. I have even sent it to someone over email more than once and still nothing. Apparently someone over there is asleep at the wheel so I am posting this to my blog where I am sure you will find it.