Thursday, December 26, 2013

Audio Adventure

I have been spending my free time lately on the computer making music, so I decided to put some of the songs up and call it "Inside The Box" because it was all written inside my computer, which is an aspect of music production that I would like to learn more about. I have recorded albums before, but with actual instruments that you can hold in your hand. This new album was written primarily in Caustic, which is an android app that gives you tremendous flexibility to be creative. The early favorite song on Soundcloud was Parking Garage, but now it is a close race between Anubus Rex and Move Your Butt. (Breaking News: Anubus Rex won, lol.)
Click Here to check out my Soundcloud page. If you like it, share it. If you hate it, tell all your friends how much you hate it and why, I suggest writing a blog about it as well. Maybe you could write a sternly worded letter to your local newspaper to warn them against it.